2 min read

Saga — How to Stake $SAGA Tokens with Luganodes

SAGA Staking Guide

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Published on

15 Apr, 2024


Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically spin up parallelized and interoperable dedicated chains known as chainlets that elastically scale with their Web3 application needs.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to delegate your $SAGA tokens with Luganodes and start earning rewards in a few simple steps.

Validator Details

Validator Name: Luganodes

Operator Address: sagavaloper1qara34gyn54s9693rntr7gxj4a34te6gxkx97m

Blockchain Explorer Link for the Validator:https://www.mintscan.io/saga/validators/sagavaloper1qara34gyn54s9693rntr7gxj4a34te6gxkx97m/

Unbonding Period

  • Unbonding period is a timeframe in which the funds are locked when you unstake

  • The unbonding period on SAGA is 21 days, after which you can finalize the withdrawal, and the undelegated amount will be transferred to your available balance.

Step-by-Step Staking Guide

*In this guide we’ll be using Keplr Wallet to stake $SAGA tokens

Step 1 — Set up your Wallet

  • Head over to the official Keplr Wallet or your preferred wallet site to download the wallet


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  • Once you’ve installed and set up your wallet, add $SAGA tokens to it and head over to the Keplr Dashboard

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Step 2— Select Saga chain

  • Once you’re on the Keplr Dashboard, click on Search Chains


  • Search for Saga and select the chain

Saga_staking_guide_2.png Step 3— Select your Validator

*Note-Once you’re on the Saga chain page on your Keplr wallet dashboard, make sure you have enough $SAGA tokens to stake with your Validator.If you do not have enough tokens you must deposit some into your Keplr wallet before proceeding.

  • Once you’ve selected the Saga chain, click on Stake.


  • Click on Search for Validators and Search for Luganodes.


  • Click on Luganodes and then click on Stake

Saga_staking_guide_5.png Step 4— Select the amount of tokens you want to stake and confirm the transaction

  • Once you’ve done the above steps ,enter the amount of tokens you want to delegate and click on stake


  • Approve the transaction

  • Once you’ve approved the transaction, you can see your staked tokens and your validator details on the dashboard

About Luganodes

Luganodes is a world-class, Swiss-operated, non-custodial blockchain infrastructure provider that has rapidly gained recognition in the industry for offering institutional-grade services. It was born out of the Lugano Plan B Program, an initiative driven by Tether and the City of Lugano. Luganodes maintains an exceptional 99.9% uptime with round-the-clock monitoring by SRE experts. With support for 45+ PoS networks, it ranks among the top validators on Polygon, Polkadot, Sui, and Tron. Luganodes prioritizes security and compliance, holding the distinction of being one of the first staking providers to adhere to all SOC 2 Type II, GDPR, and ISO 27001 standards as well as offering Chainproof insurance to institutional clients.

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